Study of 4 phases of menstruation

2014-09-29 10:08 楼主
本帖最后由 天际飞虹 于 2014-9-30 08:40 编辑

My study note for 4 phases of menstruation. Let me know if you find any mistakes. Thanks.

[td=115] Phase 1 (Menstruation)[td=114] Phase 2 Follicular phase[td=114] Phase 3 Ovulatory phase[td=118] Phase 4 Luteal phase
[td=114] Day[td=115] 1-5[td=114] 1-13[td=114] 10-18[td=118] 15-28
[td=114] Organs and Vessels[td=115] Liver (blood), Penetrating vessel (Chong mai)
[td=114] Liver (blood), kidneys, Directing vessel (Ren mai)
[td=114] Kidney (Yin and Yang), Penetrating (Chong mai) and directing vessels (Ren mai)
[td=118] First half: Minster Fire, Kidney Yang and Governing vessel (Du mai) Last half: Liver (Qi), Liver (Blood) and Penetrating (Chong mai)
[td=114] Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood[td=115] Qi and Blood move downward.
Sharp drop in Yang.
[td=114] Blood and Yin are empty.
[td=114] Yang rises sharply. Yin has reached it’s maximum.

[td=118] 1.Transformation of Yin and Yang depend on descending of Heart-Qi and Heart-Blood.
2. Yang keeps increasing. Good time to expel Yin pathogenic factors.
3. Qi and Blood are moving.

[td=114] Activity location[td=115] Xiao Fu (central area of the lower abdomen)
[td=114] Shao Fu (lateral sides of the lower abdomen)
[td=118] PMS may appear

[td=114] Main Vessel and material[td=115] Chong mai
[td=114] Ren Mai and Kidney Yin
[td=114] Ren and Du mai, Kidney Yin and Kidney Yang
[td=118] Chong mai

[td=114] Clinic significance[td=115] invigorate (move) Blood.
For heavy period, invigorate and stop bleeding: San qi, Pu huang, Qian cao gen
[td=114] Nourish blood and tonify kidney (Blood is part of Tian Gui).
Very important phase to establish a good basis of a menstrual cycle.
[td=114] Tonify kidney, strengthen the Du and Ren mai, also resolve dampness and tonify the Spleen
[td=118] Move Qi, invigorate blood, warm the Uterus. Also expel cold, resolve damp-phlegm.
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2014-09-30 17:57 2楼
2014-09-30 23:41 3楼
八月惊雷 说:

⬅ Major relationships with Uterus 老茶馆 妇科方剂趣记 ➡